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Experiential Learning Commons Blog

New Systems at Jones!

by Chilly Heinz on July 10th, 2023 | 0 Comments

Introducing Our Brand New Searching System: Discovery!

Over the past year, we've been working hard to migrate many of our systems

... including the one you use to search. For savvy searchers like yourselves, searching in the new system will feel more or less the same, but take a little time to look around. From this platform, you'll be able to request items for pickup, track your due dates, and share materials more easily than before.


Now, your account will have some bells and whistles the old one didn't


... but these features are as yet untested. Do you see where this is going? We need challengers to test our setup!

So please, if you'd like to see something - anything at all - done better, call or text Chilly, or send an email. Those work too.


If you'd prefer to use our old system, click here.


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